Who Can Apply:
- Over 1,700 colleges and universities across the country offer the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) for undergraduate students committed to pursuing the military after graduation. ROTC prepares young adults with the necessary skills to fulfill military service duties in exchange for a full-ride scholarship and verbal commitment to the role.
- Many high school students enrolled in Junior ROTC, a program geared towards educating the youth on citizenship and leadership, continue that interest to the collegiate level. There are currently thousands of cadets among the participating schools who make impactful contributions to their campus community through their professional aspirations.
- Given the interest in serving, ROTC programs can be competitive. The Alice and Gary Barthell Scholarship intends to support High School junior ROTC cadets passionate about receiving an college education while simultaneously training for their future service in the U.S. armed services.
Submission: To apply, please tell us why you want to serve the USA.
Deadline: May 30, 2024
Amount: $1,000
Learn More: https://bold.org/scholarships/Alice-and-Gary-Barthell-Scholarship/