GEAR UP Achievement Grant
Amount: $1,000;
Awards per Year: Varies;
The Award Is: Renewable;
Who Is Eligible?
Award Is Open To: 11th Graders at participating HS
Residency: Montana
Other Comments: Each year 11th graders at the participating GEAR UP high schools can apply to receive a $1000 college savings account. Please visit the website listed for a complete description of eligibility requirements and participating schools.
Contact: Please visit the website listed to access GEAR UP forms. For additional information or questions email:
Community College Honor Scholarship
Amount: Tuition;
Awards per Year: Varies;
The Award Is: Nonrenewable;
Who Is Eligible?
Award Is Open To: Graduates of Dawson, Flathead Valley and Miles Community College.
Residency: Montana
Other Comments: The Community College Honor Scholarship is awarded annually to associate degree graduates of Dawson, Flathead Valley and Miles Community College, to be used at any unit of the Montana University System. Please visit the website listed for a complete description of eligibility requirements and participating schools.
Contact: Please visit the website listed to access forms for the scholarship. For additional information or questions: Click Here
Montana University System (MUS) Honor Scholarship
Amount: Tuition Waiver;
Awards per Year: Varies;
The Award Is: Based on Academic Merit; Renewable;
Who Is Eligible?
Award Is Open To: HS Seniors
Residency: Montana
Other Comments: The scholarship is decided upon the student’s class ranking. Students are expected to maintain a 3.4 GPA throughout college. Please visit the website listed for a complete description of eligibility requirements.
Contact: For additional information or questions: Click Here
National Merit Semi-finalist Scholarship
Amount: Tuition and fees;
Awards per Year: Varies;
The Award Is: Based on Academic Merit; Renewable for three years;
Who Is Eligible?
Award Is Open To: HS Seniors
Residency: Montana
Other Comments: Tuition and the registration fee shall be waived for National Merit Scholarship semi-finalists from Montana. Students must enroll at one of the Montana University System campuses. Please visit the website listed for a complete description of eligibility requirements.
Contact: For additional information or questions: