Who Can Apply:
- Performing is an art that necessitates mastery of many skills. To achieve this level of competency, tenacity, determination, and most importantly, sharing your love of music with others, in a demanding career path is essential for success. The Holli Safley Memorial Scholarship provides support to music students committed to growing, refining their gifts in music, and passing on their love of music to others, much like she did as a music educator.
- High school seniors and undergraduate students are eligible to apply if they are planning or currently majoring in music, specifically performance majors. Preference will be given to students with disabilities.
Submission: Share a little about yourself. Include how music has impacted and shaped who you are today, why you want to pursue a performance degree, and how do you plan on passing on your love of music to others with your gifts? If you have a disability, please include how your limitations can influence and inspire others as you build your performance career.
Deadline: March 1, 2024
Amount: $1,770
Learn More: https://bold.org/scholarships/holli-safley-memorial-music-scholarship/