Who Can Apply:
- The brave men and women in our armed forces are a source of inspiration to many, helping people find their inner strength and use their voices.
- For young students who are figuring out their life plans and deciding who they want to be, service members can be particularly impactful and are often great sources of mentorship. From school to sports to professional goals and beyond, the discipline, resilience, and courage of service members can be useful in all walks of life.
- This scholarship seeks to support students who are passionate about both BMX racing and achieving their educational goals. It is made for the Memory of Kip: Husband, Father, AOT racing founder, and veteran. Kip’s vision to support the sports he loved, the kids and people that ride, veterans and first responders remains through his family who continue to run AOT racing.
- Any high school senior who is a BMX racer may apply for this scholarship opportunity if they have been impacted by a member of the armed forces, whether this person is a friend, family member, mentor, etc.
Submission: To apply, tell us about someone or something in the armed forces that has impacted you and how you define gratitude to our service members. Additionally, upload an image of yourself in BMX, and also upload an image of the individual in the armed forces who has impacted you.
Deadline: May 27, 2025
Amount: $500
Learn More: https://bold.org/scholarships/ride-for-kip-scholarship-AOT-BMX/