Who Can Apply:
- D’Andre J. Brown was a beloved husband and father who passed away too soon after a battle with cancer.
- As a result, D’Andre’s children have had to persevere through the loss of their father while pursuing their studies. Many other students are held back by hardship, whether this comes in the form of homelessness, illness, or losing a loved one.
- This scholarship aims to honor the life of D’Andre J. Brown by supporting students who have overcome adversity or hardship in their lives.
- Any high school senior in California who has at least a 3.0 GPA may apply for this scholarship.
Submission: To apply, tell us about a time you overcame adversity, what you learned from this experience, and how it has shaped you into the person you are today.
Deadline: April 1, 2025
Amount: $555
Learn More: https://bold.org/scholarships/dandre-j-brown-memorial-scholarship/