When it comes to student financial aid it helps to know every avenue that leads to gaining money for your college education. Below we have comprised some helpful tips that may assist you secure the financial aid you need. Target the High Dollar Private Colleges Applying for financial aid at a pricey college or university may not seem realistic BUT the expensive private … [Read more...] about Student Financial Aid Tips – Maxing Out!
expected family contribution
Income Adjustments & Your College Financial Aid
In my last blog we discussed the components of the Cost of Attendance (COA) and Expected Family Contribution (EFC). Financial aid offices subtract the amount families are expected to contribute toward the student's education from the calculated COA for their school. The result is the amount of need the student has and this is the financial aid ceiling for that student - in … [Read more...] about Income Adjustments & Your College Financial Aid
Full Time Enrollment and Financial Aid – Credits Matter
Do you know what your college defines as full-time enrollment? It is usually 12 to 15 units or credit hours. Do you know how the federal government defines full-time enrollment for purposes of financial aid? You should. It can make a difference of hundreds of dollars in your grant aid. Not everyone's Expected Family Contribution (EFC) is the same, but the Pell Grant … [Read more...] about Full Time Enrollment and Financial Aid – Credits Matter
Supplemental Borrowing: The Federal Direct PLUS Loan
March 31, 2008 For families struggling to finance their children's educational expenses, supplemental borrowing can be an important resource. Supplemental borrowing is particularly useful to those families that do not qualify for need-based financial aid or those families that qualify but whose financing needs are greater than their aid package. One of the most … [Read more...] about Supplemental Borrowing: The Federal Direct PLUS Loan
Getting the most out of Financial Aid Night
At senior high schools around the country, the financial aid night has become a common fall event. With financial aid becoming more complex, many high school counseling offices are wisely choosing to invite the experts in to discuss the details of applying for and accepting financial aid. One thing to remember is that if your high school does not offer such an event, you can … [Read more...] about Getting the most out of Financial Aid Night