When it comes to student financial aid it helps to know every avenue that leads to gaining money for your college education. Below we have comprised some helpful tips that may assist you secure the financial aid you need. Target the High Dollar Private Colleges Applying for financial aid at a pricey college or university may not seem realistic BUT the expensive private … [Read more...] about Student Financial Aid Tips – Maxing Out!
A Primer to Paying for Your Graduate Education
Scholarships, Fellowships, and Assistantships For Graduate Students Congratulations! You've (finally) finished your undergraduate degree and are ready to move on to grad school. If you thought tuition, fees, room and board were costly for your four-year school, then you are in for real sticker shock with graduate education. The good news is that unlike undergraduate … [Read more...] about A Primer to Paying for Your Graduate Education
Financial Aid for the Post Graduate
One assumption made by financial aid recipients that needs clarification is the belief that loans are not considered financial assistance. In fact, the vast majority of financial aid dollars are disbursed to students in the form of loans. While federal and state governments do dish out plenty of grant and scholaship aid, loans (often termed "self-help aid, along with work … [Read more...] about Financial Aid for the Post Graduate