Who Can Apply: This easy scholarship, similar to the other 38 easy scholarship awards on bold.org, will be awarded to students with the boldest profiles. Students must have earned 300+ Bold Points to be eligible.
To us, boldest does not mean “best”, or “most accomplished”. Being bold means being:
- Earnest
- Determined
- Moving
The scholarship will be awarded to the student whose profile is most bold, according to these characteristics.
Furthermore, the scholarship will be unique in that it will favor students who apply earlier—who are bold and seize the day without procrastinating.
While the scholarship will be awarded in November 2022, the scholarship will have rolling monthly application deadlines. Students applying within earlier application windows will have a greater chance of winning the award.
Students at any education level, school, field of study, and GPA will be considered.
Deadline: September 1, 2022
Amount: $3,015
Learn More: https://bold.org/scholarships/bold-org-300-points-no-essay-scholarship/