Who Can Apply: Marcus Fund grants of up to $2,000 will be awarded to faculty applicantsto support travel and logistical costs of including students in field research in physical geography. Student submissions will only be accepted if the faculty member writes an accompanying letter stating how she or he will work with the student in the field. The faculty member must join the student for a significant portion of the field work.
In general, the award is intended to support the inclusion of one or more students in field-based research, but not an entire class. Research sites may include international as well as national locations. Marcus grant funds may be used to cover travel to the research site, as well as expenses related to the logistical support of the student, such as food, fuel and lodging. Student stipends are not eligible expenses under this grant. University or department overhead charges are not permissible budget items.
Submission: Digital submissions are required. All information must be entered on our online application form. The form asks applicants to describe the research opportunity for the student and the manner in which the field experience will challenge the student to grow both personally and professionally.
The review committee is aware that the personal experience and physical abilities of students will vary widely, and that what is challenging to one student may not be to another. Field experiences therefore may cover a large range of activities, so long as the outdoor experience will help the student to grow and excel in new ways. A budget and budget justification for the requested funds should be included on the form.
The proposal should address how safety of the participants will be insured. The most successful proposals typically identify the individual students who will be involved in the study. Please view the application form before trying to submit, so that you have all information ready when you are ready to apply.
Deadline: December 31, 2022
Amount: $2,000
Learn More: https://www.aag.org/award-grant/marcus/