Who Can Apply: The overreaching goal of the Small Grant Program is to provide funding for research investigating topics of interest to both academicians and practitioners. The Small Grant Program aims to provide support from SIOP to its members for research-related activities while fostering cooperation by supporting research that has the potential to advance both knowledge and practice in applied arrears of the interest to all members of the SIOP.
Each grant proposal will be reviewed by both academic and practitioner members of the subcommittee. The following criteria will be used to evaluate each proposal:
- Significance: Does the proposal address an important problem relevant to both the academic and practitioner membership of SIOP? Will the proposal advance knowledge and practice in a given area?
- Appropriateness of budget: Is there clear justification and rationale for the expenditure of the award monies? Can the proposed work be accomplished with the funds requested or is there evidence that additional expenses will be covered by other sources of funding?
- Research approach: An assessment of the overall quality of the conceptual framework, design, methods, and planned analyses.
- Innovation: Does the proposed research employ novel concepts, approaches or methods? Does the proposal research have original and innovative aims?
- Aimed at a wide audience: The proposal should be clear, understandable, and communicable to a wide audience and have implications for all members of SIOP (academics and practitioners).
- Realistic timeframe: Likelihood that the project can be completed within 1 year of award date.
- Academic–practitioner partnership: Does the grant involve a partnership between an academic and a practitioner?
Submission: The proposal should adhere to accepted formatting guidelines (e.g., APA guidelines) and should include the following sections:
- Abstract
- Literature review and rationale for the project
- Method—including information about the sample, measures, data collection strategies, and, analytical strategies
- Implications for both academicians and practitioners
- Budget and justification for expenditures of the award
Deadline: June 30, 2023
Amount: $7,500
Learn More: https://www.apa.org/about/awards/div-14-siop?tab=1