Who Can Apply: Developed in partnership with UNCF, the CBS Sports HBCU Scholarship Programwill provide need-based scholarships to African American college juniors who exemplify strong leadership abilities, and demonstrate an interest in sports, media, or entertainment. This scholarship will be awarded for the 2022-2023 academic year, and may be renewed a second year for recipients who continue to meet eligibility requirements.
- Self-Identify as African American/Black/belonging to the African Diaspora, and be a US citizen or permanent resident.
- Be currently enrolled full-time as a college junior for the 2022-2023 academic year at any UNCF member institution or other accredited HBCU.
- Have a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
- Have completed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and have a demonstrated unmet financial need, as verified by the applicant’s institution.
- An official or unofficial current academic transcript.
- A written or video essay. Download the CBS Sports Essay Instructions document (on the right side of this page) for complete instructions.
- Applicants submitting video essays must also submit UNCF and CBS Sports video release forms (on the right side of this page).
- Optional: Applicants may have one letter of recommendation submitted by a non-relative to enhance their application.
Deadline: November 7, 2022
Amount: $4,400
Learn More: https://scholarships.uncf.org/Program/Details/3bd6efcd-76ac-40b2-8a96-486aadcdd98f