Congratulations to all the recent grads out there! Hopefully you made it through four (or five) years of college without a mountain of student loan debt. But even if you aren’t desperate to start earning cash so you can make good on your loan payments, you are still facing an uphill battle to find a good paying job these days. There is no doubt that getting a job out of college is very tough in this economy, but there are things that recent graduates can do to improve their chances of finding full-time employment.
I recently caught the tail end of a show from one of my favorite local NPR Shows, Up to Date. Host Steve Kraske interviewed a career columnist from the Kansas City Star and a career center associate director from the University of Kansas about the challenges and opportunities facing college graduates this year. Topics covered everything from editing your resume to improving your interview skills to edging out thousands of others to land the job. The show also interviewed representatives from Teach for America and an internship matching program.