Washington Student Achievement Council
American Indian Endowed Scholarship
Amount: Between $500 – $2,000;
Awards per Year: 15;
The Award Is: Based on financial need.
Deadline: May 15
Who Is Eligible?
Majors/Fields of Study: All Majors
Ethnicity/Heritage: Native American
Residency: Washington
Student Attends School In: Washington
Other Comments:The American Indian Endowed Scholarship helps financially needy students with close social and cultural ties to a Native American community to pursue undergraduate and graduate studies. For more information and eligibility requirements visit the website listed.
Contact: Visit the website below to download an application.
Washington State Need Grant
Amount: Varies;
Awards per Year: Varies.
Who Is Eligible?
Award Is Open To: HS Seniors, Undergrads
Majors/Fields of Study: All Majors
Residency: Washington
Student Attends School In: Washington
Other Comments:The State Need Grant program helps the state’s lowest-income undergraduate students pursue degrees, hone their skills, or retrain for new careers. Students can use the grants at public two- and four-year colleges and universities and many accredited independent colleges, universities and career schools in Washington. For more information and eligibility requirements visit the website listed.
Contact: Visit the financial aid office of the school you would like to attend. To apply fill out the Federal FAFSA form. You may obtain a copy of the application from your HS guidance counselor’s office, local library or via the online FAFSA website.
Washington Award for Vocational Excellence (WAVE)
Amount: Varies;
Awards per Year: 147
Who Is Eligible?
Award Is Open To: Vocational Students
Majors/Fields of Study: Vocational studies
Residency: Washington
Other Comments: The Washington Award for Vocational Excellence honors three vocational students from each of the 49 state legislative districts for outstanding achievement in vocational/technical education. For more information and eligibility requirements visit the website listed.
Contact: Contact your school vocational administrator, WAVE coordinator or counselor for a nomination form.
Alternative Routes to Teacher Certification Conditional Loan Scholarship
Amount: Varies;
Awards per Year: Varies;
The Award Is: Renewable.
Who Is Eligible?
Award Is Open To: Certified Teachers, Master’s students pursuing teaching degrees
Majors/Fields of Study:Education
Residency: Washington
Other Comments: The Alternative Routes to Teacher Certification Conditional Loan Scholarship was created to help school districts recruit teachers in subjects and geographic areas with teacher shortages. In return for conditional loan scholarships, participants agree to teach in Washington K-12 public schools. For more information and various routes the applicant may take visit the website listed.
Contact: For information on how to apply, contact the Washington State Professional Educator Standards Board .
Click Here
Washington Educational Opportunity Grant
Amount: $2,500;
Awards per Year: Varies;
The Award Is: Based on financial need and renewable.
Who Is Eligible?
Award Is Open To: All Undergrads
Majors/Fields of Study: All Majors
Residency: Washington
Other Comments: Grants are available to Washington residents with an Associate of Arts degree who are pursuing further education. Applicant must be a resident of one of thirteen selected Washington counties, and be accepted for enrollment at a college or university. For more information and eligibility requirements visit the website listed.
Contact: Please visit the website for application procedures and application downloads.
Website: http://www.sbctc.ctc.edu/college/s_opportunitygrants.aspx
Washington Future Teacher Conditional Scholarship
Amount: Varies;
Awards per Year: Varies;
The Award Is: Renewable;
Who Is Eligible?
Majors/Fields of Study: Education
Residency: Washington
Other Comments: Awards are renewable for up to five years and require a 10-year Washington public school teaching commitment. For more information and eligibility requirements visit the website listed.
Contact: Please visit the website below for application procedures and updates on the status of this program.
Washington Health Professional Loan Repayment Program
Amount: The Loan Repayment program provides up to $25,000 per year for the first three years and up to $35,000 per year in the fourth and fifth years;
Awards per Year: Varies;
The Award Is: Based on financial need.
Who Is Eligible?
Award Is Open To: All Undergrads
Majors/Fields of Study: Health Sciences
Residency: Washington
Other Comments: The Health Professional Loan Repayment and Scholarship programs were created to address the critical shortage of health care professionals in Washington State. For more information and eligibility requirements visit the website listed.
Contact: Please visit the website for application procedures and application downloads. Or contact: Kathy McVay Washington State Department of Health Phone: 360.236.2816
Washington Scholars
Amount: Tuition and fees;
Awards per Year: Varies;
The Award Is: Renewable;
Who Is Eligible?
Award Is Open To: HS Seniors
Majors/Fields of Study: All Majors
Residency: Washington
Other Comments: The Washington Scholars program recognizes the accomplishments of three high school students from each of the 49 state legislative districts. High school principals nominate the top 1 percent of the graduating class on the basis of academic achievement, leadership, and community service. For more information and eligibility requirements visit the website listed.
Contact: Contact your local HS guidance counselor for more information.
WICHE Regional Graduate Exchange
Amount: Varies;
Awards per Year: Varies.
Who Is Eligible?
Award Is Open To: Undergrads, College Graduate Students, College Doctoral Students
Majors/Fields of Study: All Majors
Residency: Washington
Other Comments: Washington residents can enroll in eligible programs in 14 western states at reduced tuition rates through the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) student exchange programs. Participating states include Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming. For more information and eligibility requirements visit the website listed.
Contact: Please visit the website below for application procedures pertaining to the school you would like to attend.