Who Can Apply:
- Katelynn Berry passed away too soon at the age of twenty-six after a tough battle with mental illness.
- Mental illnesses and prescribed medication affect a student’s energy level, concentration, and can hamper their ability to remain gainfully employed while attending school. A mental health disorder, one that affects a person’s psychological well-being is hard enough to deal with for many on a daily basis outside of school. However, having a mental disorder while attending college and trying to remain employed to support your education can sometimes be an overwhelming experience.
- This scholarship aims to honor Katelynn Berry’s life by spreading awareness about the serious threat posed by mental illnesses and its impact on one’s ability to attend college and obtain a degree.
- Any high school senior in Montana or Minnesota who has been diagnosed with a mental illness may apply for this scholarship, but applicants with schizophrenia are preferred. One winner will be selected from Montana and one from Minnesota.
Submission: To apply, tell us how mental illness has affected you, your family, and your education goals as well as what steps you’ve taken to work on living with your mental illness.
Deadline: May 20, 2022
Amount: $2,000
Learn More: https://bold.org/scholarships/katelynn-berry-memorial-scholarship/