Who Can Apply:
- Sara Molina was in third grade when her parents took her out of school to work on the farm in Villalba, Puerto Rico.
- Because of this, she was illiterate. The youngest of twelve children, Sara married young and relocated to New Jersey with her three children. Her life flipped upside down when her partner left her to fend for herself. She worked hard doing odd jobs in housekeeping, laundry, and office cleaning and supported her children as they earned their education. She realized the importance of education through the experiences of her children. As a way to honor her memory, the Sara Molina Memorial Scholarship will support a female student in Puerto Rico.
- Puerto Rican women of any education level are eligible to apply if they are students in Puerto Rico.
Submission: To apply, write about your personal story and why earning an education is important to you.
Deadline: December 1, 2023
Amount: $1,000
Learn More: https://bold.org/scholarships/sara-molina-memorial-scholarship/