Before you put away your books and close up your computer, I have one more assignment for you: trying to get a leg-up on the mounting cost of higher education or a college student in need of some free money for next semester (come on, who doesn’t need free money?!), Financial Aid Finder is a great place to start your search for scholarship opportunities.
Today, I have three great scholarships: The Tom Joyner Foundation Scholarships (full ride scholarships for academic super stars planning to attend an Historically Black College or University); the Simon Youth Foundation Community Scholarship ($1,500 for community leaders and activists); and the Discover Scholarship Program ($30,000 scholarships for 10 promising high school juniors). All three have January deadlines!
1. Tom Joyner Foundation Full Ride Scholarship: Full Ride
Since its founding in 1998, the Tom Joyner Foundation has helped more than 14,000 students enter and complete their degree at one of one hundred Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU). If you are a high-achieving, African American high school student planning to attend a HBCU (here’s a list of them), you may be eligible for one of the prestigious Tom Joyner Foundation full ride scholarships. Awards cover the full cost of tuition plus give stipends to cover on-campus room and board and a book allowance. The scholarship is renewable for up to 10 semesters.
Eligible candidates must be high school seniors and U.S. citizens with a minimum GPA of 3.50 and an SAT score of 1300 (or an ACT score of 28). The scholarship committee is also looking for candidates with demonstrated leadership abilities, including involvement in community service and/or extracurricular activities. The applications must be postmarked by the deadline on their website.
2. The Simon Youth Foundation Community Scholarship Program: $1,500 – $2,500
The Simon Youth Foundation created its Community Scholarship Program to help students living in communities with Simon shopping centers. The scholarship committee considers the whole student, including one’s future potential as demonstrated by significant life changes. Other important qualities include academic record, demonstrated leadership in school and community activities, work experience, and recommendations. The committee gives special consideration to first generation college students.
Demonstrated financial need of at least $1,500 is required, as demonstrated by submitting the first page of your parents’ (or your) most recent tax return. 200 non-renewable scholarships of $1,500 will be awarded. An additional eight renewable scholarships of $2,500 will be awarded to the top recipients in each of the following regions: Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia; Indianapolis, Indiana; Orange County, California; Boston, Massachusetts; Miami, Florida; Orlando, Florida; Dallas, Texas; and New York, New York. See website for deadline. Only the first 6,000 applications will be considered (so apply today!)
3.Discover Scholarship Program: $30,000
Since its founding in 1991, the Discover Scholarship Program has awarded some $16 million in scholarships to over 6,000 students. Each year, ten high juniors will win a $30,000 scholarship to pay for any kind of post-graduation college or career training. Eligible candidates must be high school juniors with at least a 2.75 cumulative GPA, demonstrated accomplishments in community service and leadership, and experience having faced a significant roadblock or challenge. See website for deadline.
Good luck!