You’ve taken your 8 AM finals, turned in the ridiculously long and confusing end of semester “good bye” essays. Now you’re probably looking forward to seeing your bed, your childhood friends, and maybe taking a nice road trip. Even though your mind is occupied with all these pleasant things, you still have to bring your thoughts back to college and your future goals. Now that you’re on break you have plenty of time (that you will need later) to fill out a few scholarships, while leaving ample time and opportunity to non school related adventure. You’re not stressed or rushed, so you should be able to find a perfect scholarship for you. Enjoy it!
1. Zinch’s Sweet Diggity Dawg Scholarship: $20,000
This scholarship is pretty self explanatory. Current or future college students fill out a profile and application on the college search website,, and will be able to access all the colleges and scholarships on the database. The top 64 applicants will compete against each other “march-madness” style. The student with the best profile and application wins, and will most likely exclaim “sweet diggity dawg” upon receipt of $20,000. See website for deadline.
2. IDDBA Undergraduate / Graduate Scholarship: $250 – $1,000 per semester
Have you put in those long hours working for a supermarket dairy, deli, or bakery? If so, it might pay for your college career in more ways than one. The International Dairy Deli Bakery Association is offering academic scholarships for high school seniors and current college students. To qualify applicants must be currently employed at least thirteen hours a week for an IDDBA member company. Students must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5, and pursue either a food related major (culinary arts, food science), business, or marketing. See website for deadline.
3. Campus Discovery Scholarships: $5,000
Imagine yourself as a high school senior. What advice would you tell yourself? If you could go back and do it all over, would you change the decisions that you made? Campus discovery has developed an online survey to help the next generation of college students be informed on the different colleges and campus life available. All current college students, or recent college students are eligible to take the survey, and talk about their unique college experience for the chance to win $5,000. See website for deadline.
If you would like to learn more about college scholarships, please visit FinancialAidFinder’s section on scholarship information. Let us show you how to navigate the scholarship application process, write killer scholarship essays, take advantage of scholarship search engines, and win unclaimed scholarships.
Good luck with your scholarship applications this week!