Welcome back to school! By now, all you coeds should be happily ensconced in your gleaming ivory tower. How is it going? I hope your transition has been a smooth one!
So amidst all the excitement of a new year, have any of you encountered the sinking realization that all that money from your student loans, grants and scholarships isn’t going to go quite as far as you thought it would. (I recall this realization vividly — it’s what led me to my first work-study job!)
Yes, getting a job on or off campus is one way to help with your cost of living. But it’s also not too late to land a few more scholarships for the school year (and plenty more opportunities abound for those of you looking to fund your next year’s tuition and expenses.)
In honor of all of you feeling the crunch, this week the Financial Aid Finder has an easy, breezy scholarship opportunity. This one doesn’t require award-winning essayist skills, just some word of mouth, a few moments of your time, and lady luck standing on your side.
Scholarship.com Tell A Friend Sweepstakes: $1,000
Scholarship.com is one of the leading free scholarship search engines. Not only do they ask for a detailed profile in order to give you a comprehensive list of scholarships you qualify for, but they also offer some of their cash for college. One of their easiest scholarships gigs is really a sweepstakes. If you’re a registered member (it takes less than 10 minutes), you can refer a friend to Scholarship.com — and when your friend signs up, your name gets entered into their sweepstakes to win a $1,000 scholarship for school. Deadline: See Website
Good luck and please let us know if you land this cool grand — or any of the other scholarships we post about every Thursday.