The Academic Common Market is an organization that sets up exchange programs for students between a league of mutually recognized states.
Students who are planning on studying a subject that is not offered by their state school may attend an out of state school for in state tuition. The school must already have an exchange program set up with your state.
Not every state participates in this program and as stated earlier the academic program the student wishes to study must NOT be offered by the student’s state schools. The Academic Common Market is not commonly publicized and will require some research. You can try doing a Google search by typing in your state and the words: academic, common, market. Most high school guidance counselors and college financial aid offices will have information on this subject so it would be a good idea to check with them as well.
Participating in this program could save you thousands of dollars a year, well worth looking into. The Academic Common Market is also great for those students who are determined to leave their home state.