If you are already attending college or are about to start in the fall, you no doubt realize just how expensive getting a higher education really is. Even if you choose a more frugal option such as attending your local community college and living at home with mom and dad, there are all sorts of little expenses that really pile up. The average cost of text books is $1,000 per … [Read more...] about 5 Ways to Find College Scholarships
community service scholarships
Scholarship Announcements: Doctoral Scholarship, Photo Essay Scholarship, Poverty Scholarship
I can't believe it's the last day of July. The start of school is right around the corner. Are you ready? Are your finances? If you are still trying to scrounge up cash to pay for college, look no further. I've got three great scholarships to help you fund your higher education. There is a $5,000 scholarship for doctoral students of physical therapy; a $750 photo essay … [Read more...] about Scholarship Announcements: Doctoral Scholarship, Photo Essay Scholarship, Poverty Scholarship
Scholarship Monday
Sorry for the late posting of these scholarship announcements. I'm going to move to a biweekly format for scholarships starting next week as the cold weather signals the start of a much more robust scholarship season. Today, I've got three college scholarships with deadlines for this week, but in the coming weeks we will be looking at scholarships with late November, … [Read more...] about Scholarship Monday