As you are progressing toward your goal of starting college, there are different approaches on knowing how you are going to pay for school. You may decide on a school and then complete the financial aid documents or maybe you filled out your financial aid first and you are looking at a few different schools. Either way that you choose, one item that you will come across … [Read more...] about Decoding the Financial Aid Award Letter
financial aid award letter
What does your Financial Aid Award Letter Really Mean?
For high school seniors, spring is a nerve-racking season to walk to your mailbox! First, there is the much anticipated acceptance letter. But even more important, there is your financial aid award letter. If you completed the FAFSA and applied for financial aid for the 2011-2012 year, you should be getting your financial aid award letter any day now - if you haven't … [Read more...] about What does your Financial Aid Award Letter Really Mean?