Are you searching for college scholarships? You may be wondering how to distinguish yourself from your competition. While every scholarship has it's own list of eligibility requirements, applicants need to go above and beyond the bare minimum to impress the committee -- and win the award. Not sure how to do that? Here are four qualities almost every scholarship committee is … [Read more...] about 4 Qualities Scholarship Committees Look For
how to win scholarships
New Years Resolutions: Win College Scholarships
Happy New Year! It's a new year and a new decade… time for a fresh start. If you are in college, or plan to attend in the not too distant future, financing your education is no doubt a major concern. And with good reason! The cost of college is skyrocketing and we all know what the economy is doing. While college loans are ubiquitous and an important financing component … [Read more...] about New Years Resolutions: Win College Scholarships