Who Can Apply:
- Vannessa A. Gonzalez was a beloved sister who passed away too soon.
- Vannessa went to cosmetology school but sadly passed before finishing her state exams. Vannessa would have been proud to know that her legacy was living on by helping other students pursue the field she cared about.
- This scholarship seeks to honor the life of Vanessa A. Gonzalez by supporting students who share her passion for cosmetology.
- Any high school, undergraduate, or trade school student who’s pursuing cosmetology or esthiology may apply for this scholarship.
Submission: To apply, tell us about things that are important to you, how you came up with this answer, if those things will be important in ten years, and how you will integrate them into your beauty career.
Deadline: December 1, 2023
Amount: $1,000
Learn More: https://bold.org/scholarships/vannessa-a-gonzalez-memorial-scholarship/