Who Can Apply: The award is open to all individual* ACS members in chemistry and chemical engineering working in academic, industrial, government, non-profit or other employment sectors. Appropriate candidates will typically be no more than 15 years from receipt of their terminal scientific degree and have demonstrated outstanding promise for contributions to their respective fields. Applicants can either be self-nominated or can be nominated by another individual for this award. The nominator does not need to be an ACS member.
- Nominee’s resume or C.V.
- Primary nominator letter in support of nomination. Letter should not exceed 800 words (maximum of 2 pages), with no less than 11pt font.
- For self-nomination, a second nomination letter is required.
- For all other nominations, a second nominator letter in support is optional, but recommended. The letter should not exceed 800 words (maximum of 2 pages), with no less than 11pt font.
Deadline: June 15, 2023
Amount: $1,000
Learn More: https://www.acs.org/funding/awards/women-chemists-rising-star-award.html