Who Can Apply:
*Must be a U.S. Citizen/Permanent Legal Resident.
*Must be enrolled full time at a Historically Black College/University (HBCU).
*Must be a minority student enrolled as a FULL-TIME college sophomore or junior during the 2023-2024 AY.
*Majoring in or have an academic focus in one of the following disciplines: Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Marketing, Finance, Accounting, Information Technology, Business Operations.
*Must possess a minimum grade point average of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale
*Must have completed a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and have a demonstrated unmet financial need as verified by your school’s Office of Financial Aid.
*Must complete an online application describing your extracurricular activities, honors, and awards, select an essay topic, community service, and interest outside of their major.
*Please know that preference shall be given to women for at least (2) of the (5) awards.
Deadline: August 28, 2023
Amount: Varies
Learn More: https://opportunities.uncf.org/s/program-landing-page?id=a2i8Y00000BGyekQAD