Who Can Apply:
- Cumulative grade point average (GPA) of a 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale.
- Full time enrollment at an accredited 4-year college or university.
- Pursuing a first time Bachelor’s degree in a discipline related to business (ex. accounting, economics, finance, human resources)
- Possess a track record of leadership qualities as evidenced by earlier endeavors.
- Have a demonstrated financial need that will be verified by your college or university.
- Most recent (unofficial) transcript
- Essay (prompt located in appropriate section within application)
- A letter of recommendation (LOR)
- The recommender cannot be a family member.
- The individual recommender chosen by the student should be an educator, academic advisor/counselor, employment supervisor, or a community leader with whom the student interacts.
- The letter should provide key details about the interactions between the recommender and the applicant, and should highlight the applicant’s personality, work habits, and skills.
Deadline: February 28, 2024
Amount: $5,000
Learn More: https://opportunities.uncf.org/s/program-landing-page?id=a2i8Y00000CPhZ9QAL