Who Can Apply:
- Positive behavior support is an approach to supporting people’s behavior in typical home, school, work, and community environments that combines the principles of applied behavior analysis, implementation science, and best practices from other human service fields. It is characterized by a commitment to collaboration; basing interventions on a thorough understanding of the person and environmental influences affecting behavior; proactive, educative, and functional strategies; making decisions on the basis of objective information; and focusing not just on behavior change, but also improvements in quality of life.
- In memory of Dr. Meme Heineman, a driving force in the positive behavior support movement and leader in the field, this scholarship seeks to support students pursuing a degree in Psychology or Applied Behavior Analysis.
- Any high school senior, undergraduate student, or graduate student who is majoring in or planning to major in Psychology or Applied Behavior Analysis is encouraged to apply for this scholarship.
Submission: To apply, please tell us the reasons you believe you should be awarded this scholarship and the ways in which this scholarship will assist you to propel the field of applied behavior analysis using the principles of positive behavior support to improve the quality of life for individuals with developmental disabilities.
Deadline: January 14, 2023
Amount: $6,000
Learn More: https://bold.org/scholarships/the-dr-meme-heineman-scholarship/