Who Can Apply:
- The UNCF Excellence in STEM Scholarship is a postsecondary scholarship program designed to support college persistence for first-year African American college students interested in pursuing STEM degrees and careers. The scholarship will help deserving students overcome the financial hurdle of college access while providing critical wrap-around services to help them meet and overcome common obstacles to college persistence.
- The American innovation and technology economy depends on a steady stream of talented and well-trained individuals entering the workforce, which is, in turn, dependent upon a robust STEM educational pipeline. Yet educational disparities and lack of opportunities that plague far too many African American students, threaten to deny these bright, capable youth the transformational opportunities that STEM can provide them. The UNCF Excellence in STEM Scholarship seeks to address both the need for increased diversity in STEM industries and the racial disparities that continue to negatively impact African American students’ interest, exposure, and pursuit of STEM opportunities and careers.
- A full copy of your final high school transcript
- A description of your extracurricular activities, honors, awards, and community service
- A 500-word essay to inform of career interests
- A financial aid award letter from your college or university.
Deadline: September 4, 2024
Amount: $2,500
Learn More: https://opportunities.uncf.org/s/program-landing-page?id=a2iVJ00000I5M5ZYAV