Who Can Apply:
- A candidate should have completed his/her formal training in cardiothoracic surgery and be certified or in the process of obtaining certification by the appropriate Thoracic Surgery Board in the United States, Canada or international equivalent.
- Applications for the scholarship must be submitted during the candidate’s first two years in an academic position at a U.S. or Canadian institution.
- Candidates must have completed their cardiothoracic residency within 3 years of application.
- Biosketch.
- Description of the proposed research, including Background, Specific Aims, Significance and Research Plan – 5 page limit.
- Description of research facilities.
- Detailed budget.
- Letter of support from Surgical Chief or Director of laboratory where research will be conducted addressing his/her endorsement of proposal and feasibility of the research proposal being carried out.
- First most significant Publication.
- Second most significant Publication.
- One page narrative describing the relationship of the proposed research to the applicant’s career goals.
Deadline: December 2, 2023
Amount: Varies
Learn More: https://www.aats.org/foundation/aats-foundation-research-scholarship