Who Can Apply:
- At the time of application and award, the individual must be a student in an ABET-accredited program in civil engineering or related field, a member of his/her local ASCE Student Chapter, and a Student Member of the Society in good standing.
- Scholarship funds are generally applied to tuition expenses while continuing formal undergraduate engineering education at an accredited educational institution.
- Previous applicants may apply for consideration in succeeding competitions provided all other requirements of eligibility are satisfied.
Submission: Application must include (1) completed application form; (2) statement by the applicant of the reasons believed to justify the award to him/her, specifically including financial need, as well as plans for continuing formal education; (3) detailed annual budget; (4) official transcript; (5) resume; and (6) minimum of two letters of recommendation to be completed by the Student Chapter Faculty Advisor and at least one other member of the faculty.
Deadline: February 10, 2022
Amount: Varies