Who Can Apply:
- Dr. Tom Farrell devoted his life to youth. He spent over fifty years in education; first as a high school teacher and sports coach in Maine, and then as an administrator and Superintendent of schools in Maine, Colorado, and Taiwan.
- When Dr. Farrell passed away in March of 2024, the Farrell family was heartened to receive messages from hundreds of Tom’s former students, players, mentees, and colleagues – talking about the positive and transformative impact he had on their lives. Dr. Farrell believed that a true leader empowers all those around them to be leaders themselves. A true leader builds up those around them by helping them understand just how special and capable they are, which makes them want to be better, which in turn makes them want to empower those around them, and on and on it goes, because that kind of leadership is contagious. With leaders like that, real positive change and progress can occur individually, communally, and societally. And it’s the kind of leadership the world really needs.
- And so the Farrell family decided to launch the Future Leaders of Maine Foundation to honor Dr. Farrell’s style of leadership and legacy of giving. The mission of our 501(c)(3) is to support Maine’s next young leaders through a student scholarship program. Our world is made better by those committed to bringing out the best in others, so empowering the next generation to become leaders in their respective fields and communities is critical.
- Any high school senior in Maine who plans to attend the University of Maine may apply for the inaugural scholarship opportunity –the Dr. Tom Farrell Future Leaders of Maine Scholarship–which will fully cover in-state tuition for their Freshman year (up to $15,000).
- Applicants should demonstrate the kind of leadership skills that Dr. Tom Farrell modeled day in and day out during his fifty-year career in education: one who treats others with compassion, empowers others to be the best versions of themselves (and to become leaders themselves), and understands the importance of helping others and giving back to their communities.
Submission: To apply, tell us about yourself, how you define leadership, what leadership skills you have, and why you’d be a great future leader of Maine.
Deadline: May 2, 2025
Amount: $15,000
Learn More: https://bold.org/scholarships/dr-tom-farrell-future-leaders-of-maine-scholarship/