With the days of the year ticking by, we’re heading into the busiest times of the scholarship calendar. If you haven’t been as diligent as you should be about applying to scholarships, no more excuses! Set aside a few hours this weekend to do your research, write your essays, and complete your applications. Let me make that “research” part of your weekend plan a little easier by giving you a lead on three great scholarship opportunities with upcoming deadlines.
1. Regional Undergraduate Scholarships, Engineering: $3,000 The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers is offering a number of regional scholarships to undergraduate applicants with a minimum GPA of 3.0 and a class standing of at least the top 30%. For students living in North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, there is a one-year $3,000 scholarship for an undergrad studying engineering or architecture. There is a second $3,000 scholarship annually to a full-time undergraduate engineering student enrolled in an accredited college or university in Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma or Mexico. See website for deadline.
2. American Ranch Horse Association Scholarship, $500
The American Ranch Horse Association is offering a $500 academic-based scholarship to its youth members. Applicants must be current ARHA members, in good standing. Applicants must submit current school transcripts, a letter of recommendation from their principal, adviser or faculty member, a second letter of recommendation a club officer or board member of the local ARHA club; and a brief essay indicating the importance of higher education, career goals and scholarship need. See website for deadline.
3. Amtrak Travel Scholarship: $750
The United Negro College Fund has teamed up with Amtrak to provide a $ 750 to undergraduate students with a minimum GPA of 3.0 who attend one of two dozen school. (Click the link above for a full listing of the schools, including most Historically Black Colleges and Universities.) The scholarship will cover the cost of travel, by Amtrak, anywhere in the United States within a one-year period, up to $750. What a great way to get to school next year! See website for deadline.
If you want to learn more about college scholarships, come visit Financial Aid Finder’s college student scholarship section. We’ve got how-to articles on the scholarship application process, scholarship essays, scholarship search engines, and weird & unusual scholarships.
Good luck with your scholarship applications this week!