Who Can Apply: The Eugene “Peck” Armbruster Memorial Scholarship shall be a one-year, non-renewable scholarship awarded annually to a qualified graduating high school senior (or home-schooled student who has a state-recognized graduation certificate/diploma) residing in Carbon County, PA, who is seeking to further their education in a trade career at a 2 or 4-year college, university, or trade school.
- Desire to pursue education for a trade career
- A proven record of academic success with at least a 3.0 GPA cumulative average over the time period of two years prior to graduation
- Candidates will be asked to submit a short essay (500 words or less) to describe the most important thing s/he has done to help make a difference in the community
- Preference will be given to applicants with a strong track record of volunteerism and community service
- Financial need will be considered in the selection process. A copy of the expected family contribution page of the FAFSA report must be submitted with application. The Foundation reserves the right to request the full FAFSA at their discretion.
Deadline: March 1, 2024
Amount: Varies
Learn More: https://cccfoundpa.org/peck-orioles-scholarship/