Who Can Apply:
- As an Airborne Combat Medic in the United States Army Evan expressed his true passion for helping others each and every day.
- While on his off-duty hours he was always taking care of those around him. His passion for helping others was a part of who he was in all aspects of his life.
- He had the ability to impact so many in a positive way. With just a quick encounter of his smile and a flash of his “Dimples” you felt his loving soul and great heart.
- Prior to gaining his Angel Wings, Evan was working on continuing his medical education to become a Trauma Nurse.
- This scholarship seeks to honor the life of Evan James Vaillancourt by helping countless others in their pursuit of the Nursing Career that Evan was so excited to begin.
- Any high school senior who has at least a 3.5 GPA and is pursuing a degree in nursing may apply if they have community service or volunteering experience. Applicants who have a connection to the military are encouraged to apply.
Submission: To apply, tell us what your career goals as a Nurse are and how you plan on making a difference in your community.
Deadline: May 1, 2024
Amount: $1,200
Learn More: https://bold.org/scholarships/evan-james-vaillancourt-memorial-scholarship/