Michigan Higher Education Assistance Authority
Michigan Competitive Scholarships
Amount: $1,200;
Awards per Year: Varies;
The Award Is: Based on financial need and renewable.
Who Is Eligible?
Award Is Open To: HS Seniors, All Undergrads
Majors/Fields of Study: All Majors
Citizenship: United States
Residency: Michigan
Student Attends School In: Michigan
Other Comments: Applicants must be Michigan residents for at least one year and attend school full time. Please visit the website listed for complete eligibility requirements and more information. Priority is given to students who submit the completed FAFSA application by March 1.
Contact: To apply fill out the Federal FAFSA form. You may obtain a copy of the application from your HS guidance counselor’s office, local library or via the online FAFSA website. You may also contact: Michigan Department of Treasury Office of Scholarships and Grants Bureau of Student Financial Assistance P.O. Box 30462 Lansing, MI 48909-7962 1-888-4-GRANTS E-mail: treasscholgrant@Michigan.gov
Michigan Educational Opportunity Grant
Amount: $1,000;
Awards per Year: Varies;
The Award Is: Based on financial need and renewable.
Who Is Eligible?
Award Is Open To: HS Seniors, All Undergrads
Majors/Fields of Study: All Majors
Citizenship: United States
Residency: Michigan
Student Attends School In: Michigan
Other Comments: The grant provides students with financial assistance so they may pursue undergraduate work at a public community college or university. Students must be enrolled in classes at least half time. Please visit the website listed for more information.
Contact: To apply fill out the Federal FAFSA form. You may obtain a copy of the application from your HS guidance counselor’s office, local library or via the online FAFSA website.
Website: N/A
Michigan Merit Award
Amount: $2,500;
Awards per Year: 49,000;
The Award Is: Academic merit and renewable.
Who Is Eligible?
Award Is Open To: HS Graduates
Majors/Fields of Study: All Majors
Citizenship: United States
Residency: Michigan
Student Attends School In: Michigan
Other Comments: This award is given to high school students for outstanding performance on the Michigan Educational Assessment Program (MEAP) or for students who graduate after 2007 the Michigan Merit Exam. Please visit the website listed for more information.
Contact: For more information contact your high school guidance counselor’s office or visit the website below.
Michigan Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership (LEAP)
Awards per Year: Varies
The Award Is: Based on financial need
Who Is Eligible?
Award Is Open To: HS Graduates
Majors/Fields of Study: All Majors
Citizenship: United States
Residency: Michigan
Student Attends School In: Michigan
Other Comments: This program provides federal matching funds for states administering comprehensive need-based student financial assistance programs. Please visit the website listed for more information.
Contact: Office of Scholarships and Grants Bureau of Student Financial Assistance, P.O. Box 30462 Lansing, MI 48909-7962 1-888-4-GRANTS E-mail: treasscholgrant@michigan.gov
Michigan Tuition Grants
Amount: Tuition and fees;
Awards per Year: Varies;
The Award Is: Based on financial need;
Deadline: July 15
Who Is Eligible?
Award Is Open To: All Undergrads, College Graduate Students, College Doctoral Students
Majors/Fields of Study: All Majors
Residency: Michigan
Student Attends School In: Michigan
Other Comments: Applicants must be at least half-time students at independent non-profit Michigan institutions. Priority in determining awards will be given to students who apply before July 15. Please visit the website listed for more information.
Contact: To apply fill out the Federal FAFSA form. You may obtain a copy of the application from your HS guidance counselor’s office, local library or via the online FAFSA website. You may also contact: Michigan Department of Treasury Office of Scholarships and Grants Bureau of Student Financial Assistance P.O. Box 30462 Lansing, MI 48909-7962 1-888-4-GRANTS E-mail: treasscholgrant@michigan.gov