Who Can Apply:
- Be a resident of Saline, Lafayette, Johnson, or Pettis Counties in Missouri, which serve as the I-70 Community Hospital service area;
- Be seeking a post-secondary education in the healthcare field or other ancillary field deemed appropriate by the scholarship committee;
- Plan to enter a healthcare career in their medical field within the I-70 Community Hospital Service area, which includes Saline, Lafayette, Johnson and Pettis Counties in Missouri;
- Attend an accredited two or four-year college or technical school; and
- Maintain a post-secondary cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.
- A full-time coursework load of 12 credit hours per semester is strongly encouraged.
- college transcripts or GED scores;
- Non-students, if employed, must provide work history for two years prior from employer or supervisor;
- FAFSA Student Aid Report; and
- Two letters of recommendation from an employer, coworker, teacher, friend and/or minster stating character, need, aptitude and emotional stability.
Deadline: June 1, 2022
Amount: $2,000
Learn More: https://gkccf.academicworks.com/opportunities/3202