Who Can Apply:
- This scholarship is awarded to a cadet in the AFROTC DET90 at CSU or UNC; rising 300 or 400, i.e. a current sophomore or junior who will be a junior or senior in the Air Force ROTC program in the fall of the next year; the applicant must excel in military and academic pursuits.
- Second Lieutenant Kirsten Tool was a Distinguished Graduate of the Air Force R.O.T.C. program, Detachment 90, at Colorado State University in 1987. At the time of her death on November 10, 1989, she was serving as an Intelligence Officer at Lindsey Air Station in Wiesbaden, West Germany. She lost her life in an automobile accident while on a trip to Denmark on the same weekend that the Berlin Wall fell.
- To honor her life, her family established the Kirsten L. Tool Memorial Scholarship Fund. Hundreds of small and medium-sized donations built this fund. The recipient is always a cadet from Detachment 90, which includes cadets from Colorado State University and the University of Northern Colorado. The winner is typically a student that reflects the ideals and character that Kirsten displayed while at CSU. She was a member of the Arnold Air Society and won the Vice Commandant Award at Vandy I, her Summer Training Camp, in 1986.
Submission: Please describe for the committee your ambitions, goals, and career plans; your community service, campus activities, and honors/special recognition; and reasons why you feel you merit consideration for this scholarship. Please do not include your name in your response.
Deadline: February 28, 2023
Amount: $2,000
Learn More: https://communityfoundationnc.academicworks.com/opportunities/680