Who Can Apply:
- Eligible applicants must have exhibited a minimum of 2-years at the Comanche County Livestock Show during their ninth through twelfth grade. Preference will be given to those with longer-term involvement in livestock showing and at the Comanche County Livestock Show specifically.
- Unweighted cumulative GPA greater than or equal to 2.5.
- Applicants must attend a school that is in Comanche County and be actively involved in that 4-H or FFA chapter.
- The top 5-10 applicant may be asked to complete a panel interview during Livestock Show week. Applicants will be notified by a Comanche County Saddle & Sirloin Club Board Member. The interview requires professional dress (either FFA official dress or suit). Applicants who are interviewed will be required to attend the Annual Awards Luncheon during the Livestock Show.
- Describe your livestock project and why you chose to show livestock.
- Describe your family’s legacy of 4-H, FFA or agriculture involvement.
Deadline: January 15, 2022
Amount: Varies
Learn More: https://occf.academicworks.com/opportunities/4023