Hey scholarship seekers. How has your long weekend been? Have you gotten a lot accomplished? As I have been mentioning the past several weeks, this is the height of scholarship season. With more scholarship committees calling in their deadlines, this is definitely crunch time. If you are serious about winning scholarships to help pay for college, you should be spending several hours a week searching for and applying for awards.
This week, I want to help you out with your search by telling you about three great scholarships that have upcoming deadlines. I’ve got the $7,500 Body by Milk scholarship (“Milk. Does a body good!”); the $1,000 Voice for Animals Essay contest; and the $3,000 YouthLaunch Service Scholarship (open only to residents of the state of Texas).
1. SAMMY / Body By Milk Scholarships: $7,500
You know those “Milk. Does a body good,” commercials? Has it done your body good? If so, you could win a $7,500 scholarship. Here’s the deal: All high school seniors, living in the “lower 48”, planning to attend college next year, and having participated in a high school sport or club sport during the school year, are eligible to apply. Write a 250-word essay explaining,
How Milk Has Helped In My Academics and/or Athletics.
The twenty-five winning student athletes get an all-expense paid invitation to an awards weekend at Disney World, with the scholarship monies being paid directly to their college or university. You must be nominated by a teacher or coach, so be sure to find someone who will be happy to nominate you. The application deadline is due in early March. The winners will be selected by June 2010.
2. Humane Education Network’s A Voice for Animals Essay Contest: $1,000
The annual Voices for Animals High School Essay Contest is seeking to identify eleven high school students who promote the humane treatment of animals. Prizes of up to $1,000 will be rewarded to high school students based on their 1,300 – 1,500-word essay examining the mistreatment of an animal species or a single cause of animal suffering, occurring anywhere in the world. Essays must also include measures to reduce the mistreatment and/or suffering. All essays must include formal citations and be written in English. The scholarship committee will judge essays on originality, scope, organization, and research, as well as the author’s personal involvement in responding to animal cruelty. The application deadline is March 31.
3. YouthLaunch Service Scholarship (Texas residents only): $3,000
YouthLaunch is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting young people through service. The organization’s scholarship program was created in 2001 to raise the profile of youth service through a non-renewable $3,000 scholarship for Texas high school students. Each scholarship winner will also enjoy an all-expenses paid trip to Austin, Texas for him or her, plus up to three of his or her guests, for a scholarship luncheon. Eligible candidates must have attended a Texas high school, be graduating between May and June, and plan to attend a post-secondary institution within one year of graduation. Additionally, all applicants must have completed at least 50 hours of service during their senior year of high school and a minimum of 400 hours of service during all years of high school. The application deadline is the end of February.
If you would like to learn more about scholarships for college, please visit FinancialAidFinder’s section on scholarship information. Let us show you how to navigate the scholarship application process, write killer scholarship essays, take advantage of scholarship search engines, and win weird & unusual scholarships.
Good luck with your scholarship applications this week!