Who Can Apply: The Raymond and Velma Merkle Scholarship supports students from Manual High School who are active in their school and community.
- Graduating from Manual High School during the current academic school year
- Minimum cumulative GPA of at least 2.75
- Will be a first-generation college student (i.e. a student whose parents and grandparents did not graduate from college, students with siblings who are in college or who have graduated from college are eligible for this scholarship).
- Have an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) of $15,000 or less
- Currently active in their school or community
- Planning to attend a trade school, technical school, community college, or a 4-year accredited college in Colorado
Deadline: March 1, 2024
Amount: $1,000
Learn More: https://denverfoundation.org/scholarship/raymond-and-velma-merkle-scholarship/