With the drop in temperature, almost every one experiences a drop in energy. The temptation to burrow under blankets and waste away precious time on Facebook or YouTube is strong. But let’s face it, you need an education, and we need scholarships to pay for it. There are scores of scholarships out there for every one if you know where to look. There are even scholarships that require only three sentences, or even no essay all together! So go ahead, throw off those blankets, sign off of Facebook, and find the scholarship perfect for you.
1. FRA Americanism Essay Contest: $10,000
FRA, the Fleet Reserve Association, gives away up to $10,000 in U.S bonds every year. High School kids, grades 7 – 12, are eligible for this competition. Students can submit an essay and cover letter through any local FRA branch (contact your school counselor or local FRA essay Chairman). The essay is 350 words on “What Patriotism Means to Me.”
Deadline: See website
2. Zinch “Three Sentence Essay” Scholarship: $1,000
Don’t have the patience to write a whole essay? This is essentially the Twitter version of college scholarships. Go to Zinch.com, and check out this weekly scholarship for a chance to win $1,000 for any of your school needs. Whether you are currently enrolled in college, or will be next year, you can answer their weekly question (example: “What legacy would you personally like to leave to the next generation”) in just three sentences.
3. College Prowler “No Essay” College Scholarship: $2,000
In case those three sentences were too taxing, college prowler has got you covered, with a monthly “no essay” scholarship. Any one currently or soon to be enrolled college student can enter a simple form online for a chance to win $2,000 for tuition, housing, books, meal plan, computers, or any other education related expenses. It’s ridiculously easy, simply go to collegeprowler.com, tell them who you are and how to reach you.
Deadline: See website
If you would like to learn more about college scholarships, please visit FinancialAidFinder’s section on scholarship information. Let us show you how to navigate the scholarship application process, write killer scholarship essays, take advantage of scholarship search engines, and win weird and unusual scholarships.
Good luck with your scholarship applications this week!