July 3, 2008 by Mara Strom
Happy 4th of July! Tomorrow is Independence Day – and since even the most diligent scholarship searcher out there is probably enjoying a little patriotic partying, FAF is taking a break from our regular Scholarship Thursday format.
Instead of three scholarships with impending deadlines, this week we’ve got four 4th of July-themed scholarships. If it’s got the words liberty, freedom, or proud-to-be-an-American in it, we’re all over it. You may have to wait ’til next year to apply for some of these, but keep them in your back pocket – or your Yankee Doodle Dandy cap!
1. True Patriot Scholarship: $25,000
Yes, you read that right: $25,000. That’s a lot of credit hours, books and cafeteria meals right there! To win this major scholarship prize, you’ll need to write a stellar essay on the question, “What does true patriotism mean to you?” The essay competition is open to high school students across America. Your essay may be no more than 1,500 words – for an idea of what the judges will be looking for in terms of content, check out the mission statement on the True Patriot Network (NOTE: THE TRUE PATRIOT NETWORK IS NO LONGER RUNNING). Submissions are due no later than September 1, 2008 and the sole winner will be announced in January 2009.
2. American Patriot Freedom Scholars: $1,000
If your parents are in the military, you might be eligible for a $1,000 scholarship from Homefront America, a volunteer organization devoted to assisting military families. Since 2006, Homefront America has given out forty-five scholarships based on merit and an essay competition. The fund is currently closed for the 2008-2009 school year, but check back with the website after January 1st.
3. American Dream Scholarship: $500 – 5,000
Student loan giant Sallie Mae, together with the United Negro College Fund, offers scholarships ranging from $500 – $5,000 for African Americans with financial need. Applicants must meet Pell Grant eligibility criteria, have a minimum 2.5 GPA, and be enrolled full-time at an accredited undergraduate institutions.
This program is now closed for the 2008 academic year, but check back with the website after January 1st.
4. Families of Freedom Scholarship Fund: Unlimited
The Families of Freedom Scholarship Fund provides generous scholarship assistance to children and spouses of 9/11 victims. Scholarship assistance is available for four years of college and can aid a student in attending any accredited post-secondary school, including those outside the United States. Limited funds are also available for graduate study. The minimum scholarship amount is $1,000. The Families of Freedom fund reviews applications year-round – so if you think you, or someone you know, qualifies for a scholarship, call the Fund toll-free at 1-877-862-0136 or email them at familiesoffreedom@scholarshipamerica.org.
Enjoy a safe and happy Independence Day and check back in with us after the holiday weekend for a great post about the 7 financial aid mistakes students make (talk about a buzz kill!)