Who Can Apply: We are seeking students who reside in the state of Idaho, Montana, Oregon or Washington that are pursuing a college/university education from a 4 Year Christian College or University. Applicants will be selected on the basis of financial need, academic record, recommendations, and other conclusions the committee might draw from personal essays and interviews in regard to the applicant’s character, motivation, ability and potential.
- Entering Freshman or above at a Christian college/university
- Resident of Idaho, Montana, Oregon or Washington
- Minimum 3.0 GPA
- In need of financial assistance
- Character qualities exhibiting a potential to excel
- Create a Kaleidoscope Account
- Complete an Online Application Form
- Upload Required Essay
- Upload a Clear Statement of Financial Need (see instructions on application form)
- Submit one Academic Recommendation and one General Recommendation (all done online)
- Upload a Current FAFSA or 1040 Tax Form
- Upload an Official Transcript
Deadline: March 16, 2022
Amount: $5,000
Learn More: http://apply.mykaleidoscope.com/scholarships/a0D1R00000huZvQUAU