Who Can Apply: Michael P. Friezo (IES Abroad London, Fall 1982), and David C. Friezo, London spring ’85, both studied on IES ABroad London programs while attending college, and together have created an endowed fund for IES Abroad students studying on any IES Abroad program in London. Mike majored in Economics at Texas Christian University. He remembers well and highly values his opportunity to study with IES Abroad London at the London School of Economics, and the impact it has had on his career in investment banking and capital markets. Mike passed away on July 15, 2022, from pancreatic cancer.
Dave attended Tulane University and recalls learning firsthand about foreign currency trading with IES Abroad classmates as they traveled to various other European countries during their semester abroad. Over his career, Dave has worked in finance in London, Tokyo and New York, and now heads up the Lydian Advisory Group (LAG), a private wealth advisory boutique that works with institutions and ultra-high net worth family offices structuring solutions for more tax efficient investing. The Friezo Family Foundation improves the lives of children by providing financial support to charitable organizations that promote education, and seeks to eradicate disease and address poverty.
Today, the IES Abroad London Center offers programs in local culture, health studies, theater studies, and the UK Today, along with internships, homestays, field study trips and direct enrollment in local universities. Find out what London students are saying today about IES Abroad London by reading their blogs.
To be eligible for this scholarship, you must:
- Enroll in an IES Abroad London semester or full year program.
- Attend a member or associate member school of the IES Abroad Consortium.
- Have an expected family contribution (EFC) of $30,000 or less.
Deadline: May 1, 2023
Amount: $2,000
Learn More: https://www.iesabroad.org/scholarships-aid/friezo-family-foundation-endowed-london-scholarship-fund