As I have been mentioning the past few weeks, we are in the middle of scholarship season. Late winter/early spring is high tide for scholarship deadlines, so if you are serious about winning scholarship awards, you will definitely want to dedicate a few hours each week to finding and applying for scholarships. This week, I’ve found three great opportunities with upcoming deadlines for you … But remember, these are just the tip of the iceberg!
1. The Advancing Hispanic Excellence in Technology, Engineering, Math, and Science (AHETEMS) Scholarship Program
AHETMES is a series of scholarship opportunities for Latino students studying engineering, math and science. There are both merit-based and need-based scholarships, ranging from $1,000 – $5,000, for Latino high school seniors, undergraduate students and graduate students. Applications can be completed online or on paper, but only one application is necessary for all AHETMES scholarships. Eligibility requirements differ for each scholarship, but all require a minimum GPA of 3.0 and full-time enrollment (current or planned) in a science, technology, engineering, or math discipline. Application requirements include a personal statement, transcript, letter of recommendation and resume, as well as an application form. The application deadline is April 1. For more information or to apply, visit the AHETMES website.
2. The Thoroughbred Scholarship
The Thoroughbred Scholarship is a $6,000 annual scholarship sponsored by The Race For Education (RFE) to support young people of any background interested in pursuing a career in the equine or agriculture industry. Students may be studying disciplines such as Equine Science or Equine Business Management, or be enrolled in farrier school or other equine- and agricultural-related programs. Qualified applicants must be no older than 24 years, have a minimum GPA of 2.85 and have a family household income of no more than $50,000. Application materials include an essay, personal statement, letters of reference, transcript, and completed FAFSA and/or financial aid award letter from your college or university. Materials must be submitted by mail, no later than February 28.
3. SAMMY / Body By Milk Scholarships
Calling all high school seniors, living in the “lower 48”, planning to attend a non-voc/tech school next year, who have participated in a high school sport or club sport during the most recent school year. (Oh and by the way, no one with criminal records, please.) You know those “Milk. Does a Body Good” commercials? You could be the next milk model … and winner of a $7,500 scholarship. Applicants must write an essay of no more than 250 words about “How Milk Has Helped In My Academics and/or Athletics”. Winners will also be invited to attend an all-expenses plaid awards weekend in Orlando, Florida. The scholarship will be paid directly to the designated college or university. Applicants must be nominated by a faculty member or coach at their high school. The application deadline is usually in March. Winners will be notified in June.