When it comes to student financial aid it helps to know every avenue that leads to gaining money for your college education. Below we have comprised some helpful tips that may assist you secure the financial aid you need.
Target the High Dollar Private Colleges
Applying for financial aid at a pricey college or university may not seem realistic BUT the expensive private colleges often grant more financial aid. These schools have to offer a good deal of financial aid to gain diversification among their students. Therefore the EFC (Expected Family Contribution) for these schools may end up being less than what it might be at a large public university. Not only could you end up gaining more financial aid but you could also end up receiving a top- notch education. There is a lot to gain from giving this tip a try!
Diversify Your Field
There are many colleges out there that specialize in the arts or math and science. In the same respect many of these specialty schools are male or female dominated. What this means is that if you are a female who happens to be very bright in a math or technical field then your chances of earning a grant or scholarship to a school that is dominated by males is quite good. This is when it comes in handy to know how to market yourself or showcase your talents. Investigate the colleges or universities that are severely lacking your type of talent or diversity.
Transfer from a Community College
If you have your sights on a particular college or university there is nothing to be lost by attending the first two years at a community college. This can help you by greatly cutting the cost of a more expensive school and still obtaining a degree from the school of your choice.
Everyone Should Apply for Student Financial Aid
This tip is not really that much of a secret but there are so many that never seek student financial aid simply because they feel their family makes too much money to qualify. The cost of a college education is rapidly increasing making it difficult for everyone. Because of this schools are analyzing more than the earned income a family makes. Factors such as how multiple people in a family attending college at the same time or extraordinary medical expenses are taken into consideration. In the end you will never know unless you apply.