About Student Loan Network
The Student Loan Network is a fast growing provider of private loans to college students. Like many banks that give private loans to students, Student Loan Network maintains a website filled with resources about how to keep your debt low and how to choose the right loan. In fact, the Student Loan Network’s parent company, Edvisors, is actually a student marketing firm. Be aware of this as you go through their site, as they will be offering lots of other products like credit cards and other types of loans.
Private Student Loan Name: Alternative Student Loans, Graduate Private Loans
Loans for Which Students? Undergraduate students, Graduate students, Continuing Education Students
Minimum/Maximum Amount per Student: Up to the Cost of Attendance (as certified by your school), less any other financial aid, including grants and scholarships, no more than $130,000
Rates: Varies based on your credit rating and history. See website for rate information.
Fees: Varies
Repayment Terms: 10 to 20 years. Payments can start either 45 days after funds are dispersed, or you can defer until six months after graduating. Alternatively, you can make interest only payments while attending school.
Other Information: The Student Loan Network adds to its already impressive array of private student loans options for students by also giving you the chance to consolidate all of your loans into one lower monthly payment. And like many kinds of student private loans, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid is not required (although we still recommend that you fill it out to explore your Federal Loan options).
How to Apply/Contact Information: Apply Online.