Connecticut Valley Girl Scout Council
Scholarship Name: Emily Chaison Gold Award Scholarship
Description: Six Connecticut Girl Scout Councils established the Emily Chaison Gold Award Scholarship in memory of Emily Chaison, former president of Connecticut Valley Girl Scout Council. This $750 one-time only scholarship is awarded annually to a registered Connecticut Girl Scout who has received the Girl Scout Gold Award, is a high school Senior and has been accepted at a college or technical school.
Amount: $750
Awards Per Year: 1
Award is Open to: High School Seniors who have received the Girl Scout Gold Star Award
Majors/Fields of Study: Open
How to Apply / Contact: Applicants submit two essays that describe their Girl Scout Gold Award work and “What Girl Scouting Means to Me” and are interviewed by a committee representing the six councils. To apply, contact your local Connecticut Girl Scout Council.
American Legion Auxiliary
Scholarship Name: American Legion Auxiliary Girl Scout Achievement Award
Description: Girls must have received the Girl Scout Gold Award. Must be an active member of her religious institutions and must have received the appropriate religious emblem, Cadet or Senior Scout level. Applicant must demonstrate practical citizenship in her religious institution, school, Girl Scouting and Community. Applicant must submit at least four letters of recommendation and testimony with nomination application, with one letter required from each of the following group leaders: Religious Institution, school, community and Scouting.
Amount: $1,000
Awards Per Year: 1
Award is Open to: High school seniors who have received the Girl Scout Gold Award
Majors/Fields of Study: Open
How to Apply/Contact: All information can be found on The American Legion Auxiliary website at