Sometimes as a student, you can get so caught up in writing scholarship essays, filling out applications and evaluating whether you meet criteria that you can forget about a very important factor in your scholarship search: your parents.
It’s true, sometimes what your parents do, where they work, or what memberships they have can help you get scholarships for college.
So how do you find out what kinds of scholarships you qualify for, based on your parents’ characteristics?
A great first step is to interview your parents or guardians, and even your grandparents. This can not only be helpful for your scholarship search, but can also help you get to know your family better than you do already. Ask you parents if they belong to any associations, like the Kiwanis, Rotary or Lion’s Clubs.
Also find out if they are involved in professional organizations like unions. If either of your parents served in any of the U.S. Armed Forces, that is also important information, as there are a number of scholarships for children of veterans.
You can also be eligible for certain scholarships based on where you parents work. Children of employees of companies like Lowe’s and Home Depot qualify for college scholarships, regardless of major.
There are even some special scholarships based on your parents personal characteristics. For example, the Through the Looking Glass Scholarship awards student of parents with disabilities $1,000 for undergraduate study each year.
With so many ways to find scholarships based on parents interest or characteristics, please read through the scholarships posted in this category to find out if you qualify for this special college funding!
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