Japanese American Citizens League
Scholarship Name: Japanese American Citizens League Scholarships
Description: The Japanese American Citizens League is a national organization committed to education of Japanese Students and awareness of issues relating to Japanese Americans. Their national scholarship is a general funding opportunity for students entering college, in college and in graduate programs. Students should be members, or be family members of members of the Japanese American Citizens League. In addition to the general scholarships for undergraduates and incoming freshman, there is a special scholarship for Japanese-American students interested in the creative arts, as well as for students pursuing law degrees. Scholarship awards are also distributed by chapter, with each award being named for a prominent member of the JACL.
Award: Varies
Awards per Year: Varies
Award is Open to: Undergraduate Students, High School Students, Graduate Students, Law Students
Major/Field of Study: Open
How to Apply/Contact: More information about chapter scholarships and national scholarships, as well as more information abut membership, is available at the Japanese American Citizens League website.
See Also: Scholarships for Asian and Pacific Islander Students, Scholarships for Graduate Students, Scholarships for Community College
South Asian Journalists Association
Scholarship Name: Asian Pacific Fund Scholarships
Description: The South Asian Journalists Association is a membership organization that provides $11,500 in scholarships annually to South Asian-American (South Asian is defined as being from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka) who have demonstrated an interest in journalism through coursework, internships and freelance writing. Scholarships are given in a number of categories, with specific awards for incoming freshmen, current undergraduates and graduate students. Undergraduate scholarships are also open to community college students interested in journalism.
Award: $1,000 – $2,000
Awards per Year: 7
Award is Open to: High School Students, Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students
Major/Field of Study: Journalism
How to Apply/Contact: To fill out an online application, please visit the South Asian Journalists Association website.
See Also: Scholarships for Asian and Pacific Islander Students, Scholarships for Community College, Scholarships for Journalism Students, Scholarships for Graduate Students
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